Asterix in many languages for sale?

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Asterix in many languages for sale?

Beitrag: # 45347Beitrag ecelan »

Hello everyone,

I'm thinking about selling my Asterix collection. It is made up of Asterix books in about 45 languages. Some are quite normal, as the German, French or Spanish ones, others are more difficult to find, as the ones in Asturian (Astérix en Britania), Arabic (آستریکس و کلوپاترا), Chinese (參軍記), Mirandese (Asterix, L Goulés) or Alsatian (De Astérix an de olympische spieler). I would like to sell them all in one go, to avoid the hassle of dozens of sales/shipments and also for sentimental reasons.

But I'm not quite sure how I should go about this. Should I just put it on e-bay and wait what happens? Sell in other forums/web pages? Divide the collection? I'm writing to see if you here on the Forum have any suggestions about how to do this.
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 1899
Registriert: 19. Juni 2002 22:44
Wohnort: Metelen

Re: Asterix in many languages for sale?

Beitrag: # 45348Beitrag Maulaf »

I think that you can get more money when you sell the books seperately on ebay, there are many collectors, if you try to sell the whole collection it would only be interesting for resellers. Another option is to try to sell it through this forum, if you know which price you want to get for each book,
kind regards

Re: Asterix in many languages for sale?

Beitrag: # 45417Beitrag Sellix »

To avoid selling the more difficult onces only, you also can consider to link an easy album with a difficult album. So if a buyer likes to buy a difficult album he/she also needs to buy one or two easy albums. And yes, it's better to offer your albums here and put whats left on or


Re: Asterix in many languages for sale?

Beitrag: # 45716Beitrag ecelan »

Thank you all for your kind help.

I will think about it till the summer, and decide then what to do.

You will hear about it, whatever I end up doing.


Re: Asterix in many languages for sale?

Beitrag: # 46525Beitrag ecelan »

Back from holiday. I have decided not to sell the collection for the moment. Actually my family seems to be against it, in spite of not reading the comics ever :roll:

If I ever change my mind, I know where to find you, and you will be the fort to know. ;-)
Thank you all for your help.
jan jansen

Re: Asterix in many languages for sale?

Beitrag: # 60618Beitrag jan jansen »

Hello acelan;
any news on selling your collection? i am looking for several languages
AsterIX Village Elder
Beiträge: 395
Registriert: 9. November 2001 23:33

Re: Asterix in many languages for sale?

Beitrag: # 60665Beitrag Christian »

jan jansen hat geschrieben: 21. Mai 2019 11:15 Hello acelan;
any news on selling your collection? i am looking for several languages
Hi, I sent you a PM. Christian